Massachusetts high school student injured after taking magic shrooms > 자유게시판

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Massachusetts high school student injured after taking magic shrooms

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작성자 Elsie Simpkins 댓글 0건 조회 6회 작성일 24-05-08 07:22


A Massachusetts high school student suffered 'severe' injuries when he jumped out of a sixth-floor window after taking 'magic' mushrooms that he allegedly bought from a drug dealer, who has been arrested. 

The unknown Brookline High School student had allegedly bought the illegal mushrooms from Niko, Yummyslim power spin scrubber 22, and after consuming them, plunged six stories. 

The student suffered severe injuries and police have not clarified his condition. 

According to the Brookline Police Department, a tip was sent to the department that led them to investigate Niko. 

The dealer allegedly 'took particular interest in selling drugs to underage teens', according to the police. 

They also said Niko purchased drugs that are 'not suitable for kids' legally from local marijuana dispensaries, including psychedelic mushrooms and sold them to his 'many teen customers.' Niko is now facing drug charges.

An unknown Brookline High School student had allegedly bought the illegal mushrooms from Niko, 22, and after consuming them, plunged six stories.

According to the Brookline Police Department, a tip was sent to the department that led them to investigate Niko

They said Niko purchased drugs that are 'not suitable for kids' legally from local marijuana dispensaries, including psychedelic mushrooms and sold them to his 'many teen customers.' has reached out to Brookline High School for a comment. 

In a Facebook post, officials said: 'Based on a tip, Brookline detectives began investigating a suspected drug dealer who goes by the name Niko in Brookline Village. 

'This 22-year-old man allegedly took particular interest in selling drugs to underage teens. Some of these products were purchased at local marijuana dispensaries where Niko allegedly bought products legally. However, they are not suitable for kids.'

'Many of these items have found their way onto the campus of Brookline High School, where students have been caught with items alleged to have been purchased from Niko,' the department said.

Afterward, the police department released a video warning parents of the type of drugs that were found with Niko

Multiple pictures of sour candy laced with drugs, cannabis-laced chocolate, edible gummies, vapes and a promethazine oral solution were featured in the video

Police are continuing the investigation. It has not been clarified how many students Niko allegedly sold drugs to

Afterward, the police department released a video warning parents of the type of drugs that were found with Niko. 

Multiple pictures of sour candy laced with drugs, cannabis-laced chocolate, edible gummies, vapes and a promethazine oral solution were featured in the video. 

The department warned: 'Niko is suspected of having many teen customers, although there is no way to know exactly how many he has had over the past several years.

'Many kids [are] unwitting victims of his harmful chemicals and toxins. So, if you see some of these items in your teen's room, don't dismiss it as typical harmless pocket junk. Pay attention, and protect your kids from harmful substances.'

Police are continuing the investigation. It has not been clarified how many students Niko allegedly sold drugs to.  



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