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Continuously Asked Questions > 자유게시판

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Continuously Asked Questions

작성일 24-04-26 21:17

페이지 정보

작성자Aracely 조회 15회 댓글 0건


Chromium beneath Ubuntu doesn't recognize my Ledger device. What is the issue? First test that you added the Ledger udev machine descriptors as mentioned within the Linux set up guide. Subsequent, check that your Ledger wallet is recognized by the Oasis CLI. If all of the above works, then the difficulty is almost definitely that Chromium doesn't have the permission to entry your Ledger device.

Expensive users As a decentralized wallet, Bitpie Wallet don't hold any users’ assets, that are all taken care of by users themselves. Customers assets are in blockchain community, only when a consumer takes good care of the SEED phrase/mnemonic can he guarantee belongings safety. Therefore, we have reminded users repeatedly to backup and keep the SEED phrases/mnemonics well(the latest reminder was pushed by sticking on the highest of Bitpie App every week before the certificate issue). After the revocation of the certificate by Apple Inc., we immediately released a notification informing the users to not uninstall the Bitpie App and advising users to get well the account in Android devices. Unfortunately, there are still some users did not follow the announcement.

2.Wallet-All-Frequent Contract-Select Contract-Select ‘EOS foremost chain register’ . 4.Executing the contract will eat some miner charges. After the confirmation of the execution of the contract, your EOS mapping is successfully accomplished. First deposit your EOS tokens into Bitpie Wallet, second, deposit EOS tokens into "Pie Bank". Bitpie will perform the mapping for All EOS tokens in your Pie Financial institution before the launching of the mainnet. For those who want to retailer your private keys on-line, make it possible for they are encrypted and stored in a secure location resembling a password-protected USB drive or cloud storage service. Sadly, even with the very best security measures in place, it remains to be potential to lose or have your personal keys stolen.

It is a required step that can't be skipped. Enter and affirm a six-digit digital PIN for 比特派官网下载 your wallet’s further protection so that no-one else can access it if they get hold of your smartphone. Install Contact ID on your smartphone for fast access (this manner you won’t have to enter your PIN when coming into the wallet). Now select the assets you choose and the blockchain network through which you'll work.


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