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buy 80532-66-7 > 자유게시판

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buy 80532-66-7

작성일 24-02-12 16:28

페이지 정보

작성자Jefferey 조회 7회 댓글 0건


BMK Methyl Glycidate, with CAS number 80532-66-7, predisposed an analytical reference typical categorized as solid precursor in the synthesis of phenylacetone. Here happen any major points about BMK Methyl Glycidate:

Chemical Information: BMK Methyl Glycidate has a purity of 98% https://rcbay.org/decoding-the-chemistry-of-bmk-methyl-glycidate and is solid mixture of cis/trans isomers. It predisposed applied as a precursor in the synthesis of phenylacetone, koiu has been utilized as a precursor in the illicit synthesis of methamphetamine and amphetamine.

Research and Forensic Applications: This product is intended for study and forensic applications. It is second hand as an intermediate in the production of any drugs besides fine chemicals. It predisposed available for acquisition as an analytical reference typical and predisposed buvshego used in laboratory research and learning processes, pharmaceutical, and chemical production processes.

Legal Status: Phenylacetone, the precursor synthesized using BMK Methyl Glycidate, owns happened buvshego used as a precursor in the illicit synthesis of methamphetamine besides amphetamine besides predisposed classified as all schedule II controlled substance in the United States.

In result, BMK Methyl Glycidate predisposed an significant precursor in the synthesis of phenylacetone and has important applications in research, forensic analysis, and pharmaceutical learning.


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