During this political season, it is a time often used by unscrupulous individuals to create and spread hoaxes. > 자유게시판

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During this political season, it is a time often used by unscrupulous …

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작성자 Laverne 댓글 0건 조회 2회 작성일 24-06-29 02:40


088320800_1716744234-PILKADA_DOMPU_2.jpgHuda reminded that the Jakarta Regional Election is very fluid and nothing is fixed, including PKS as the winner of the Jakarta Election but unable to nominate candidates independently. "Nominating two figures as governor and deputy governor candidates requires a party that already has a golden ticket, which means 20 percent," he said. "We know that PKS won the recent legislative elections. However, they haven’t reached 20 percent because they only have 18 seats, while 20 percent requires 22 seats," concluded Huda.

Anies mentioned that dialogue with all figures, including Prabowo, is essential for regional development. "In the end, we want every region in Indonesia to get leadership that advances and brings happiness to the residents," he said . "So, God willing, we will have dialogues with everyone, discussions with everyone," added the former presidential candidate

003221600_1677147667-PKS_DUKUNG_ANIES_SEBAGAI_BAKAL_CALON_PRESIDEN-TALLO_12.jpg"Whether through the civil service, retired military and police, socio-cultural groups, professional groups such as doctors, cultural figures, engineers, agricultural experts, and all other professionals can join PDIP," said Hasto.

Of the several names consulting with the Jakarta KPU, only one pair eventually submitted the required support documents by the deadline on Sunday night (10/5/2024). Before this, several individuals consulted with the Jakarta KPU, such as Dharma Pongrekun (Deputy Head of BSSN 2019-2021), Sudirman Said (Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources 2014-2016), Noer Fajrieansyah (Commissioner of PT Petrokimia Gresik), and Poempida Hidayatullah (Member of Parliament 2012-2014). Of these names, only one pair was serious and ultimately submitted the required support documents to the Jakarta KPU. They are the pair Dharma Pongrekun and Kun Wardana.

Previously, the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) officially endorsed Anies Baswedan and Sohibul Iman as prospective governor (cagub) and deputy governor (cawagub) candidates for the 2024 Jakarta Regional Election.

Participatory supervision itself, Warits said, is the activity of ensuring the process of Pilkada stages by collecting data, information, and inventorying findings related to the implementation of the Pilkada by independent and non-partisan community groups or organizations. "Participatory supervision aims to ensure the conduct of honest, fair, clean, and transparent elections whose results can be accepted by all parties, both Pilkada participants and the wider community," explained Warits.

Do not instantly share received or obtained information, particularly on social media. Conduct verification to confirm the truth of the information, including checking the credibility of the source and the validity of the domain if the information contains specific links. Voters can also confirm through official channels or authorities, as well as through trusted fact-checking platforms and media. To aid in the search and fact-checking process, use simple verification tools. Remember that hoax information can be in text form as well as visual, such as images (photos) or videos. Thus, as informed voters, it's essential to verify thoroughly, especially if the information includes manipulated images or videos out of context. Utilize verification tools like Google Reverse Image Search or Yandex to examine the image source or its previous versions, including the image's context.

As the election approaches, hoax spreaders will disseminate misleading information to discredit each candidate. Hence, conduct comprehensive research on each candidate before deciding. Simply use the Google search engine by entering the candidate's name or simple keywords, such as "Candidate for Governor of Region X 2024" in the search box and search. This helps voters understand each candidate's profile objectively and aids in making informed decisions. As informed voters, the public should also be aware of fake polls. Often, influencers and buzzers on social media spread fake polls or vote results on social media. Such polls are often inaccurate because they are designed solely to attract engagement. Thus, voters should always be vigilant.

Concerning the 2024 Regional Elections, Anies mentioned that he is establishing communication with various political parties, including Gerindra, led by Prabowo. "We all want Jakarta to progress and for its residents to be happy. That is not just the aspiration of one or two parties; everyone wants that. So, we are building communication with everyone," said Anies

The Jakarta General Election Commission (KPU) is still examining the completeness of the support documents submitted by the only independent candidate pair, Dharma Pongrekun and Kun Wardana Abyoto. "We are currently reviewing the documents to see if they are there, complete, and authentic," said Dody Wijaya, Head of the Election Technical Implementation Division of the Jakarta Provincial KPU, to reporters on Monday (13/5/2024).

PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto spoke out on the rumor about a duet between Anies Baswedan and Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, also known as Ahok, as governor and deputy governor candidates in the Jakarta Pilkada. Hasto stated that his party is open to the nation's best talents.

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